Type 1 Cycling

Type 1 Cycling

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Good days and bad days

When you hear people with diabetes talk about having ups and downs they mean it literally. It's not easy controlling your blood sugar, though we have never had so many tools to help us as we do now. We have better blood glucose testers, we have fast acting insulin and pumps to deliver it, we have continuous glucose meters that tell us every few minutes which direction our sugar levels are going, we have a wealth of apps that allow us to track what we eat, what out blood sugar levels are, and how much insulin we take. Some even tell us how much insulin to take and our predicted HbA1c result. And finally we have the Diabetic Online Community - the DOC. The community of people online supporting each other, giving advice and showing people that they are not alone.

Even with all those tools somethings cannot be helped. Sometimes you get it wrong. Conversely there are days when things just go right. There are good days and bad days, ups and downs, highs and lows. This past week has been one such week. Sunday night before bed I was up in the 240s and before bed and after a correction I woke up at 101.  Pretty much perfect.  I tried and experiment that day, instead of taking some insulin and eating I decided not to "insulate" and not to eat before training.  By the time I was setting off for my warm up I was down to 95 and decided that it was time to eat something small.  At the end of training two hours later I was up to 152, exactly why I normal like to take insulin. The result was that by the time I sat down to eat I, which was an hour and a half later I had risen to 233.  The conclusion from this experiment is that I must take some insulin after training especially if I have not had any that morning.

That night I went out and had a late dinner, and way too many carbs which led to high sugar in the morning on Tuesday followed by an over correction leading to a hypo right after my warm up.  This correction was taken into the muscle on my forearm.  It is not advised to inject in the muscle as it tends to make the insulin work much more quickly than normal, but that was my intention.  I had to take it easy in training and ate much more than normal for a two hour session.  Note to self: muscle injections are a no no right before training.  I was fine for the rest of the day.  I forgot for the second day running to test before bed.  Waking up again at around 240.  I corrected again, this time in my stomach.  I started training this time at 212 but 15 minutes later after my warm up I was down to 164.  By the end of the session I was at 91 and my blood sugar remained nice and balanced for the rest of the day.  Success! Some days things just go right.

On Friday I had been fine all day but hadn't tested since lunch and ended up at 233 before dinner at my mother in law's.  She is a wonderful cook and I struggle not to go back for extra helpings.  I made sure to take a higher does of insulin factoring in my high blood sugar and how much food I would be eating.  Never the less I tried to go easy on the carbs.  Before we left for the drive back to Tel Aviv, I tested my blood sugar.  It was 403! I injected 6 units instantly into my forearm.  It did drop a bit but an hour later it was still very high at 329.  My wife insisted on driving home despite my idiotic protests that I was fine, I wasn't.  By the time I went to bed it was still above 200 many hours later so I took another 4 units.  I had had a huge amount of insulin, it was very bizarre.  The following morning I woke up with a level of 122.  This could not have been better.  I drove out of the city to training, injecting a few units before I left and eating a sandwich on the way.  During the 4 hours of training and the rest of the day my sugar levels were perfect.  There was a point just before a big climb that I tested and had 109.  This was a bit of a worry so I ate a second gel, I had eaten one a few minutes earlier.  My trainer insisted that I checked my sugar 5 mins later, which meant after 1Km of the climb the whole team stopped while I tested.  Funnily enough I still set some new PBs on the climb, including the stoppage time.  My performance really is better when my sugar is under control.

live long and stay health.

See my ride here

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